In JavaScript applications with Rollbar integrated for reporting, you might see a common recurrence of the following error:
[Read More]JavaScript Disable console.log on Production Environment
Both on Node & Frontend apps.

In JavaScript applications, especially on Frontend apps, we might want to disable our console.log
(or any variant of it, such as warn, info, debug, error, etc.) that we have placed for debugging throughout the application. Below are the two possible ways to do it:
How to Publish and Use a Private Javascript Library Without Npm Registry?
With the Help of Github Repository and Version Tags
Node Package Manager, or NPM, is a defacto registry of JavaScript libraries, where anyone can create and publish a library (called package), both public and private. For publishing private packages, subscription fee is required.
In this post, we will discuss how we can host our public or private JavaScript library at Github, maintain various versions of the library using tags, and, finally, include a specific version of the library in some project and use its code.
[Read More]What Is Destructuring And Restructuring Design Pattern In JavaScript?
A More Declarative Approach.
JavaScript: Difference Between Module, Library, Package, API, SDK, Framework and Application
In this post, we will determine what these terms mean and how they relate to each other in the context of JavaScript.
[Read More]JavaScript Process Array Map in Reverse
In this post, we will explore ways to process JavaScript map on an array in reverse.
[Read More]CPU Scheduling Algorithms - JavaScript
Simulation Code for Scheduler and Task
In this post, I am going to share a JavaScript simulation for some well-known CPU/operation system scheduling algorithms. The ES6 JavaScript code can be run in the Node JS environment.
[Read More]GOF Design Patterns in React JS
In this post I try to identify some of the Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns used, or can be used, in React JS applications. Most patterns I list down are not strictly React's, but belong to JavaScript, so they're equally applicable in other frameworks too, such as Vue and Angular.
[Read More]Javascript Track User Activity on Webpage With Custom Script
Time Spent, User Country, Scrolling, Mouse & Button Clicks, Mouse Movement, and Key Presses

In this post, we create a custom JavaScript front-end script to track user activity on a webpage.
[Read More]